Workplace Diversity Isn’t Enough – Let’s Ramp Up Inclusion

Today I am over at Performance I Create discussing Diversity and Inclusion. We typically see these two terms in the same sentence used interchangeably, but it is so very possible to have one without the other. Here is a sample:

I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that there is much more to do. Remember, much of the diversity we see is the result of mandates and legislation, not out of truly trying to represent our communities and client bases.  While the snapshot of our organizations looks good and rainbowy, are we treating everyone with respect once they are in the door…or behind closed doors?

FullSizeRender (1)Just when we think that we’ve come so far, we get reminders of how much more is needed in our society. When this post was originally published at PIC a few days ago using the hashtag #Diversity, I received this tweet that makes me want to spread the message of Inclusion even more.

I hope that you enjoy the full post HERE and I asked that you share and promote the good work that some of our organizations are doing and are trying to do as it relates to being Inclusive.

Check out my post and those of my fellow contributors for relevant, in-your-face, performance altering insight at Performance I Create!

5 thoughts on “Workplace Diversity Isn’t Enough – Let’s Ramp Up Inclusion

  1. After reading your post, it crossed my mind that legislating behaviours may work for short-term. But eventually people push back. What is needed is a change in the narrative. Anything can be socially constructed. As transformative agents, what powerful “cultural” messages are we creating and advertising to our clients? The most powerful decision is to start by doing what is being sought of others.


  2. Pingback: Best Blogs 13 Febrero 2015 | ChristopherinHR

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